Statistic-based events
AthTek NetWalk query a specified Monitor statistics function once per second, testing for user-specified conditions. On matching any of these tests, the event function sends a notification of user-specified severity.
Unlike packet-based events, filters and Analysis Modules, statistic-based events do not query all incoming packets directly. Instead, statistic-based events query statistics functions, looking for the occurrence of the statistical values and their persistence over a specified length of time. This allows multiple events to be set without adding packet processing overhead, thus speeding program performance.
Creating statistic-based events
To create a new statistic-based event, do following steps:
- Click Add icon in Event Manager window.
- Select Statistic Event… item in popup menu. The Create Statistic Event dialog appears.
Figure 12-3. Create Statistic Event dialog
- Fill in the parameters for the event and the action to be triggered when conditions are met.
- Name: Type a name for the statistic-based event. The name must be unique.
- Severity: Specify the severity of this event.
- Action: Specify what action should be triggered when this event is detected.
- Statistic: Specify what statistic should be tested. Clicking the Reference button brings up Statistic Picker dialog, and select the statistic item you want to test. There are two types used to do detection – Per Second and Total. The former means that AthTek NetWalk will test the delta value of the statistic you selected to judge whether it matches the threshold, and the later means AthTek NetWalk will test the total value.
Note: For the real-time values such as “Utilization”, its detection type could only be Total.
- Threshold: Specify the threshold of this event.
- Durations: Specify duration of this event. That is when the selected statistic matches the threshold and lasts duration time, this event will be detected.
Tip: Duration range are: 1 seconds – 86400 seconds (that is on day).
- Click OK to create and enable the statistic-based event.