Events view

In the Monitor and the Post-capture Ananlysis page, there will be an Event view. Through this view, you can view/export detected events. Figure 12-1 shows an example of the Event view.

Figure 12-1. Event view

Netwalk event view Events view

The Event view lists all detected events. Events are listed with the following statistics:

  • Severity: A colour-coded icon indicating the severity of the event.
  • Time: The time the event was detected.
  • Description: A short description of the problem.
  • Src. Address: The IP address of the destination station for this event.
  • Src. Port: The source port for this event.
  • Dst. Address: The IP address of the destination station for this event.
  • Dst. Port: The destination port for this event.

Note: For packet-based events and some of the advance events, there is no address and port information.

  • Type: The event type – statistic-based, packet-based or advance.
  • Layer: The layer this event belongs to.

The clickable icons in the toolbar are described below:

  • Filter: Set up the event list display condition.
  • Total Count: Dislpays the total number of events after applying filter condition.
  • Informational: To show or hide informational events in the list.
  • Minor: To show or hide minor events in the list.
  • Major: To show or hide major events in the list.
  • Severe: To show or hide severe events in the list.

Events view