Matrix map view
To display a Matrix Map, from an monitor or post-capture analysis pages, click the Matrix Map view (as shown in Figure 10-1).
Figure 10-1. Matrix map view
Nodes and traffic in the Matrix Map
Nodes and the traffic occurring between them are represented in the following ways in the Matrix Map:
- Each dot represents a particular node.
- The size of the dot represents the packets sent from that node, as a percentage of total packets in the window.
- The lines between nodes represent the traffic between them.
- The lines with light green colour represent that there is active traffic in last second.
Tip: You can drag one or more nodes to other positions within the Matrix Map to make it easier to view network traffic occurring with those nodes.
Matrix Map toolbar
There is a toolbar on the top of Matrix Map view. It provides items to save Matrix Map as a picture, to show/hide ellipse track, and some other functions.
- Network layer matrix: Show network layer matrix map.
- Physical layer matrix: Show physical layer matrix map.
- Nodes Counts: Display the number of unique nodes in the Matrix Map.
- Show track: Show/Hide the ellipse track.
- Tight mode: Display the ellipse track as round as possible.
- Save image: Save the current Matrix Map to an image file.
- Make filter: Create a filter based on the selected node.
- Go to host table: Go to host table (in layered view) with the current node selected.
- Options: Displays the Matrix Map Options dialog that lets you control how various items are displayed in the Matrix Map (as shown in Options of Matrix Map).
- Pause: Let you temporarily suspend refresh.