The main toolbar

The main toolbar provides quick access to frequently used items from the menu. This toolbar cannot be customized by the user, but it can be hidden using the View menu, if the space on the screen is needed to show even more packet data.

As in the menu, only the items useful in the current program state will be available. The others will be greyed out (e.g. you cannot save a capture file if you haven’t loaded one).

Figure 2-6. The main toolbar

Netwalk main toolbar The main toolbar

As shown in Figure 2-6, the AthTek NetWalk toolbar provides the following buttons:
Go Back
This item jumps back in the current page history.
Go Forward
This item jumps forward in the current page history.
Open Trace File
This item brings up the file open dialog box that allows you to load a capture file for viewing.
Save As
This item allows you to save the current capture file to whatever file you would like. It pops up the Save As dialog box.
Switch Adapter
Click this item to select the network adapter you want to use. It is discussed in more detail in Selecting adapter.
Reset Monitor
This item cleans all the monitor counters.
Start Capture
Click this button to start a capture session. Capturing data is described in Capturing Packets.
Stop Capture
Click this button to stop a capture session. Capturing data is described in Capturing Packets.
Graph Manager
This item brings up a window that allows you to manage graphs. Graph is disribed in Using Graphs.
Filter Manager
This item brings up a window that allows you to manage filters. Filter is disribed in Using Filters.
Event Manager
This item brings up a window that allows you to manage events. Event is described in Working with Events.
Protocol Manager
This item brings up a window that allows you to manage application protocols. Application protocol is described in Application Protocols.
Name Table
Click this button to access AthTek NetWalk’s name table window. Which is discussed more detail in Using Name Table.
Set Options
This item brings up a dialog box that allows you to set preferences for many parameters that control AthTek NetWalk. Which is discussed more detail in Options.
Help Topics
This item brings up AthTek NetWalk’s online help system.

The main toolbar