Options of Decode

In the Decode Options page, you can configure the Summary fields of Decode View and a variety of colours displayed by protocols. Figure 14-2 shows the Options of Decode screen.

Figure 14-2. Options of Decode

Netwalk option decode Options of Decode

Packet List Columns

To define column names displayed in Decode view, as well as the order. The choices available under Packet List Column are listed and described in Table 11-4.

Table 14-1. Summary panel fields
This column numbers the packet sequentially.
A status flag, if any, for this packet.
The source addresses found in this packet. The address of higher layer protocol will be displayed if there are more than one address.
The destination addresses found in this packet. The address of higher layer protocol will be displayed if there are more than one address.
Src. MAC
The source MAC addresses found in this packet.
Dst. MAC
The destination MAC addresses found in this packet.
Src. IP
The source IP addresses found in this packet.
Dst. IP
The destination IP addresses found in this packet.
Src. Port
The source port found in this packet.
Dst. Port
The destination port found in this packet.
The highest layer protocol seen in the packet.
The whole length of the packet in bytes (including the sliced out length).
A condensed view of the packet’s purpose, including the highest layer request, response, or status code seen in the packet.
Rel. Time
The interval between this packet and either the start of capture or, if enabled, the packet marked with the Mark as Rel Time Origin flag.
Delta Time
The interval between this packet and the previous packet.
Abs. Time
The timestamp when this packet was captured.

Protocol Colours

The Protocol Colours options let you specify the colour coding used for different protocols in the Decode view. Careful configuration of colour coding can ease your eyes during prolonged troubleshooting sessions in the Decode view. Clicking Add or Edit button on the right to set assign a Forground/Background colour to a protocol.

Options of Decode