Major features
AthTek NetWalk monitors and analyzes the data flowing over the network segment to which it is connected. AthTek NetWalk learns about the various IP flows traversing the network, as well as the applications running over them, providing a wide variety of statistics, charts, matrix map, and graphs that help you understand what is happening on your network. AthTek NetWalk provides the following major features:
- Based packet content intrusion detection mechanism (similar to Snort rules).
- Based on statistics intrusion detection mechanism.
- Real-time application monitoring focuses on common IP-based network applications.
- Packet capture and protocol decodes.
- Powerful post-capture analysis with enhanced application monitoring capabilities, allowing you to recreate application flows as seen by the user.
- Highest analyzing speed in all the network monitoring tools around the world.
- Enhanced filter capabilities let you find out the packets easily.
- WYSIWYG in matrix map and graphs.