Decode Hex panel

The Hex panel displays the actual packet contents as raw hexadecimal values and its ASCII (or EBCDIC) equivalent. When you highlight a section of the Decode view, the corresponding portion of the hex data and the ASCII data in the Hex view is shown in gray. Conversely, if you highlight a section in the Hex view, the corresponding portion of the Decode view is also highlighted.

Figure 7-4. Decode Hex panel

Netwalk decode hex Decode Hex panel

Context menu in the Hex panel

You can choose display options by right-clicking inside the Hex view and selecting from the following options:

Table 7-4. Context menu commands available in the Hex panel.
Copy the selected content to clipboard.
Displays the text portion of the Hex view as ASCII.
Displays the text portion of the Hex view as EBCDIC.
Bytes Per Row
Controls the width of the Hex view.
Show Header
Hides or displays the header of the Hex view.

Decode Hex panel