Capture status view

The capture status view shows values for the capture currently in progress or, if capture has stopped, the packets currently in the capture buffer.

Figure 4-5. Capture status view

Netwalk capture status Capture status view

As shown in Figure 4-5, the counters in status view:
Packet Seen
The number of packets AthTek NetWalk has seen on the network during this capture session.
Packets Captured
The number of packets AthTek NetWalk has copied from the network and into the capture buffer during this capture session.
Packets Rejected
The number of packets AthTek NetWalk has seen but not captured because of a capture filter.
Bytes Seen
The number of bytes AthTek NetWalk has seen on the network during this capture session.
Bytes Rejected
The number of bytes AthTek NetWalk has seen but not captured because of a capture filter.
Last Auto Save File
The file name used the last time the buffer was saved.
Start Time
The capture start time.
The duration has elapsed since the start of capture.
Buffer Used
The amount of the capture buffer currently occupied by captured data.

Capture status view