How to share smelling rules?
How to share well-configured smelling rules of application protocol? Although AthTek NetWalk doesn鈥檛 provide application protocol import and export functions by now, you can share your smelling rules by following steps:
- Select the smelling rules of application protocol you want to share.
- Click
button on the right, and select Save to Filter item.
- Save Filter dialog will appear, click OK button to save the smelling rule to filter manager.
- In the Filter Manager window, select the filter saved in step 3, click Export icon to export the smelling rules you want to share as a filter configuration file.
- Users who want to use the smelling rules, can import the filter configuration file into his own filter list.
- To create an application protocol, click
button and select Copy From Filter item.
- Select Filter dialog will appear, select the filter impoted in step 5.