Application protocols manager

The Application Protocols Manager window in the AthTek NetWalk displays all of the application protocols available in the program. These include pre-defined application protocols as well as any that you have modified or created.

To open the Application Protocol Manager window, do one of the following:

  • Click the Application Protocol Manager icon in the main program window toolbar.
  • Choose Tools > Protocols in main menu.
Figure 8-1. Application protocol manager window

Netwalk proto manager Application protocols manager

There are two kinds of application protocols in AthTek NetWalk, built-in and user-defined respectively. The protocols with Blue colour in the application protocol manager window are built-in application protocols, whose names, descriptions and identification method cannot be changed and deleted. The rest is user-defined application protocols which are with white background. AthTek NetWalk also provides some default pre-defined application protocols, whose names, descriptions and identification method can be changed and deleted.

The clickable icons in the toolbar are described below:

  • Add: Click this icon to create a new application protocol.
  • Edit: Click this icon to make to changes to the selected application protocol.
  • Delete: Click this icon to delete the selected application protocol.
  • Tip: It is not allowed to delete the built-in application protocols.

  • Enable All: Click this icon to enable all the application protocols.
  • Disable All: Click this icon to disable all the application protocols.
  • Note: It also can use the radio box in front of each application protocol to enable/disable protocols. Only the enabled application protocols can be seen in the application layered panel.

  • Move Up: Click this icon to move the selected application protocol up in the display.
  • Move Down: Click this icon to move the selected application protocol down in the display.
  • Important: The user-defined application protocols can only be arranged under the built-in application protocols.

    The significance of the order of application protocols: (1) First, the order has an impact on the sequence in the application protocol view, but Others always remains in the end. (2) Second, for the smelling-based application protocols, this order also determines the priority of smelling, such as there is a packet meet the smelling rules of two protocols, then the packet would be recognized as the traffic of the protocol arranged at top.

  • Search: Quickly filter out the desired application protocols.
  • Help: Click this icon show this help page.
  • Reload: To restore the default configuration for all built-in application protocols.

Application protocols manager